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The History of Cakes

The History of Cakes

About cake

The history of cakes dates back to ancient times. The first cakes were very different from what we eat today. They were more bread-like and sweeter than honey. Nuts and dried fruits were often added. According to food historians, the ancient Egyptians were the first culture to show evidence of advanced baking skills. The Oxford English Dictionary dates the English word cake to the 13th century. It is a derivation of the Old Norse word ‘kaka’. Medieval European bakers often made fruitcakes and gingerbread. These foods can last for several months. According to food historians, the modern cake (a round cake with icing) was first baked in Europe in the mid-17th century.

Who Invented Cake?

The cake was invented in ancient Egypt as a round, flat, unleavened bread that was baked on a hot stone. The development of baked goods continued for several centuries through the advent of new ingredients and the invention of new techniques of baking.

Who first made cake?

It’s unclear who exactly made the world’s first cake. However, the ancient Egyptians are thought to have created the first cake. Egyptians often made honey-sweetened dessert breads, which were likely the earliest version of cakes.

Source — Books/Internet


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