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Spider Plant


Product Details:

  • Common Name: Spider Plant
  • Type of Plant: Flowering/Air-purifying
  • Plant Placement: Indoor/Outdoor
  • Type of Planters: 4 Inch Plastic Pot
  • Maximum Reachable Height (in inches): up to 20 inches /
  • Difficulty Level to Grow: Easy to grow
  • Light Care Instruction: Natural indirect / artificial bright light
  • Soil Type: well drained, well aerated, and porous potting mix
  • Watering: Medium
  • Application of Fertilizer: organic fertilizer once a month
  • Flower: Rarely bloom.
  • Repotting: Re-pot with fresh potting soil and some fertilizer

Please note: Delivery charges would be extra.

One of the easiest houseplants to care for, the spider plant grows in any condition. This beautiful plant is called as such because of its narrow and long leaves that grow from one point.

Care Instructions:

  • Keep plants in medium-light locations, out of direct sunlight.
  • Natural light is best, but some plants can also thrive in office fluorescent light.
  • Plant soil should be kept moist at all times.
  • Be careful to avoid overwatering.
  • Do not allow plants to stand in water.
  • Avoid wetting plant leaves excessively.
  • A spray of water should help in case of flowering plants.

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